Gare de Lyon: Your Guide to One of Paris’ Iconic Train Stations

Traveling Europe by rail is an exciting adventure, especially during stopovers at some of the world’s most famous cities. Upon arriving in Paris, toss your packs in the luggage storage at Gare de Lyon station and take time to explore. The famous station is a beautiful representation of French culture and architecture and is the perfect spot to stretch your legs and sample the offerings of Paris. Here are a few tips to help make the most of your stopover in one of France’s most exquisite metro stations!

The History of the Gare de Lyon

As one of the mainline hubs in Paris, Gare de Lyon station is the third busiest rail depot in the country, not to mention the entire continent! The history of this extensive structure date back to the dawn of the 20th century. Before there was ample luggage storage in Gare de Lyon, it was designed as a showpiece for the 1900 World Fair. The station’s architecture was meant to represent the classic style of the period, with a clock tower accent that embodies the spirit of London’s Big Ben. 

Over the years, the Gare de Lyon has been updated to meet the demanding needs of travelers all across Europe. Expanded for high-speed lines and commuter rails, the Gare de Lyon facilitates travel all over France and beyond, even acting as a central hub for much of Europe as a whole. In addition to easy access to travel, there are numerous shops as well as a lavish restaurant to introduce you to the class and cuisine of Paris!

Exciting Interiors

The foremost of six rail terminals in the city, this station evokes a sense of adventure and luxury that will have you stashing your stuff in the closest Gare de Lyon luggage storage location and exploring the layout for yourself. There are a variety of distractions inside, such as:

  • Le Train Bleu: Opening in 1901, the gourmet restaurant features Fin de Siècle, or turn-of-the-century, stylings that take guests back to the terminal’s creation. High-ceiling dining rooms, lavish decor, and incredible cuisine make this a spot not to miss, even if the station isn’t your final destination!
  • Shopping: Nothing makes a vacation like grabbing a few souvenirs. An entire floor of the Gare de Lyon is devoted to shops including big names such as Big Fernand and Sephora alongside more eclectic locales including Aux Merveilleux de Fred and the Fnac. Common eateries like Starbucks and Mcdonald’s are available for a quick snack between stores.

With all of these extra amenities, Gare de Lyon is much more than a train station. It acts as a cultural hub for Paris and is a great introduction to the splendor that the city has to offer visitors and commuters alike.

Right Around the Corner

Paris has a wealth of things to see and do just a stone’s throw away from the city’s most opulent station. Convenient luggage storage at Gare de Lydon makes it easy to leave your gear to explore the surrounding area. If you’re planning on hitting the streets of Paris, some of the places you might want to look up include:

  • Promenade Plantée: Also known as the Coulée Verte René-Dumont, this park is a short walk from the station. This makes it the perfect place to stretch your legs before taking to the rails on another adventure. In 1988, a former rail line was transformed into a tranquil, green oasis amongst the city’s magnificent architecture. 
  • Place de la Bastille: Formerly the Bastille Prison, this renovated landmark now stands as a testament to the French revolution and those that fought and died for freedom. Nearby lies the Opera Bastille, inaugurated in 1989 as a commemoration of the tower’s besiegement two hundred years before.
  • The Seine: Sunset walks along the city’s famous river truly make a visit to Paris complete. Running alongside the Gare de Lydon, following the Seine takes travelers all the way to the Notre Dame cathedral. 
  • Jardin des Plantes: Just across the river and opposite the Gare de Lydon lies a 23-hectare botanical garden. This vegetation destination holds not only the exotic beauty of nature but also decorative statues and fountains as well as a zoo and museum of natural history.

While travelers may arrive in Paris by train, there is enough close to the Gare de Lydon station to keep visitors occupied. Just don’t forget to make it back to the station on time or you may be forced to spend another day in Parisian luxury!

The Gare de Lydon Experience

No matter how you’ve made it to one of Europe’s most famous cities, it’s worth taking time to explore inside and around this iconic rail station. Leave your bags at Gare de Lydon’s luggage storage and use your free time to explore the terminal and the surrounding area. Don’t miss the chance to see what life in Paris is really like before heading off to your next European adventure!

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