Do Mac Computers Need Antivirus Protection?

Mac computers once had the reputation of being more secure than windows computers. Apple dropped its marketing campaign “we don’t get viruses” back in 2012, and people were intrigued to buy apple devices. Today, times have changed, and apple computers cannot protect you from hackers. Yes, we hate to break this news to you, but your mac computers are not secure anymore. 

With the advent of the latest technologies, hackers have identified several advanced ways to penetrate your system by malicious means. They can easily steal your data and damage your devices. According to Statista, Trojans are the best choice of hackers when it comes to attacking your apple system. It accounts for approximately 59.87 attacks on macOS systems. 

So, if you own a mac computer and you are still asking yourself whether you need an extra layer of antivirus protection? Do not panic! Instead, read this blog to find out the answer! 

Do Macs Have Built-in Antivirus Software?

Mac computers consist of an in-built XProtect tool, which is Apple’s antivirus software that protects the devices from viruses. Due to the increasing demand for Mac computers, Apple was compelled to create an inbuilt solution for the users. The tool works invisibly in the background and if it detects any virus it notifies the user. 

It was released in 2009 and was famous for file quarantine, and hackers were unaware of how to break into the devices with this technology. Today, this protection can minimize the damage if the attack is not advanced. Your Mac computers are vulnerable to several viruses and malware. According to the Malware Report, in 2019, the average Mac computer faced more malware attacks than the average PC.  

As of today, Mac devices are not immune to all types of attacks such as adware, ransomware, spyware, and whatnot! One can easily face financial damage if he relies on the built-in antivirus software.

Do I Need Antivirus Protection? 

It is safe to say that hackers have clearly shifted their sights onto Mac computers because Mac users often forget to use antivirus software. Your data is an asset, and you cannot risk losing it. Apple’s antivirus software is still doing its job, but you need to beef up your security to protect your device. You need to follow the best security practices for securing your devices. 

If you own a Mac computers, it is vital to ensure that your internet connection is secure. Internet connections cannot be trusted because they are vulnerable to people and organizations tracking your online activities. Moreover, hackers can easily hijack your system if you use a poor-quality internet connection. 

It is advised to choose an ISP that offers a secure internet connection and a security suite to enhance the security of your system. For example, Spectrum is America’s leading cable internet service provider. It offers managed security solutions. Its comprehensive suite of security services includes VPN capabilities, firewall, antivirus, and much more. Contact Spectrum servicio al cliente for more information regarding the security suite. The provider also offers a smooth billing process. Take a look at Spectrum billing for more information. 

Always do your research before you choose any ISP because internet crimes are quite prevalent. 

Famous Antivirus Software

It is indeed alarming to see how risky the digital world is! You should look for antivirus software that offers robust security features, multiple device support, and virus protection rates. Do not opt for free antivirus software because they are unreliable and do not offer quality security. 

You can install some of the good antivirus listed below so you can use your Mac devices safely. 

Norton 360 

It is considered to be the best antivirus software as it boasts 100% security. 


It is another great solution for Mac devices as it offers good security tools. It also assists the inbuilt security solution to enhance your online security. 


It provides security tools that work well with macOS. It offers excellent protection against different types of viruses. 


Advanced technology is used to create a robust shield against malicious cyber threats. It does not even harm the performance of your devices.  

Final Thoughts 

Who knew the securest devices would be vulnerable to malicious attacks one day? Unfortunately, we live in a digital age where hackers have made it easier to penetrate devices. The developers, on the other hand, are working tirelessly to enhance the security of the devices and identify the loopholes, but still, you need to play your part. If it concerns your internet security, do not rely on your Mac device for protection against advanced cyber-attacks. 

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